Have you ever thought about making money by selling and buying properties? If you are new to this, you are probably thinking that to make money, you need to sell the property, but the reality is quite different. If you want to make good money from properties, the...
How To Level Up Your Video Marketing Skills

How To Level Up Your Video Marketing Skills

SEAN TEO With the advancements in technology, the need to stay up to date with the latest trends is imperative and crucial. If you are the owner of a business or an entrepreneur, the need to stay relevant and up to date with the latest developments is important to...


你已经拥有了一份稳定的工作、一辆轿车、一个温馨的家庭以及一间自己的房子。但是,你的脑海中一直有个想法挥之不去,就是想要通过投资房地产来建立被动收入和累积财富。 确实如许多投资专家所说,房地产是最稳定、安全和有效的投资之一。那么问题来了,2022年适合买房地产吗?IQI Eliteone Team Manager 兼房产投资导师,Tony Yap将会为大家揭晓2022年的房产市场预测,看完再决定要不要买房。 TONY YAP ——IQI ELITE One团队领导兼资深房产企业家 Tony Yap...