The Risk of a Risk Taker

Our members and their successes are as diverse as can be. But there’s one thing they all have in common: they found a career they never expected.

We know you know IQI Eliteone. But what you don’t know is just how successful you could be here too. We’re a place where every members truly believe in the success of each other and have great pride in what they accomplish together.

Listen to their stories and learn why working at Eliteone is so much more than a job.

Our Trainings and Sharing Sessions

Terrific Tuesday (TT)

IQI Warriors Training Day whereby external super coach will come over to give warrior style training.


Eliteone Academy (EA)

A day to improve both your knowledge and technical skills. We will cover real estate and general topics. Both sales related or non-related soft skills included.


Wed Elite Training (WET)

Highly capable real estate leaders will come over to share with us their personal experience and knowledge with regards to real estate career.

New REN Training

An incubator for new warrior to grow and to improve on the way to the real battle ground

Training Platform

In IQI Eliteone, we value advancement of knowledge and technical skills through education. Through our weekly learning activities, we want everyone in Eliteone to be better off everyday, not just in property knowledge, but in many other areas in life as well.

Work Life Integration

Work life integration. In IQI Eliteone, we value enjoyment of life as much as achievements of targets.

– Dave Chong

Sales Tips

Instagram Story Lead Generation

Instagram Story Lead Generation

Most of the property agents are still using the traditional way in their real estate career. Adrian Seow, IQI ELITEONE H.O.T / popular Internet Marketing Guru in Malaysia is going to show you the best way to get leads from Instagram Story

5 Closing Strategies During MCO

5 Closing Strategies During MCO

Most of the property consultant are facing a lot of trouble during MCO period. In this video, IQI Eliteone H.O.T, Wayne Lim reveals the 5 Effective Closing Strategies During MCO. Watch it now to discover the effective strategies of closing sales during MCO.



很多人都忽略了做自己身边朋友的生意,不做身边朋友的生意,就等于把这个机会送给你的竞争对手!IQI Eliteone 领导 Cy Yong将为我们揭晓他是如何一分钱都不花的情况下在Instagram成交他的朋友,赚取5-6位数收入

如何有效的follow up

如何有效的follow up

荣幸邀请到 IQI Eliteone的领导 John Teh来到我们一星期一次的Eliteone Academy,在这一次的分享会当中,John Teh以他在房地产行业多年的经验为我们解析我们该如何从谈话当中筛选出优质顾客并且投放更多时间在他们身上并成交!




有效设定目标 让你的业绩倍增

有效设定目标 让你的业绩倍增
